Who can Apply for Refund
If the services provided by us are not as per mentioned in our website or services are not functioning properly, we will refund your amount, just request us for a refund within the first 24 Hours of your hosting account activation. We'll refund your hosting subscription fees. Refunds will be promptly issued within Next 3 Days After verification of Valid id Proof .
Refund will not be granted in following cases:
First time and First Signup Purchase Account will only get Refund.
No Refund for Refund for Domain Registration,Renewal,Domain Transfers are non refundable.
No Refund for Hosting Addon (Dedicated IP) Renewal and Hosting Renewal
No Refund on VPS and Dedicated Serveer
No refund policy for installation fee, VPS, dedicated server, SSL certificates, and licenses or custom software install.
No Refund for Malwares/Phising/Spamming Related Issues
No Refund if the customer Requested for Migration of services from other servers as it will have some admin works to perform the migration task
If customer uses abusive language with PriceLowHosting staff on Chat,Call or Ticket.Account will be terminated Instantly or Completely Ban and no refund
Cancellation Process
User can cancel their services any time but it does not mean user will also get refund.
User may terminate or cancel the Services any time via dashboard ,Live Chat,Ticket.
If user cancel the Services, user are obligated to pay all fees and charges accrued prior to the effectiveness of such cancellation. If user request to suspend or cancel your customer account, your access to the control panel will be suspended and user will not be able to access the billing system to renew products or services or to update their account information. However, you will continue to have access to use the Services purchased until the end of your prepaid term. Please note : that if you have pending orders outstanding on your account at the time you cancel your account, we will continue to process those orders so long as your Advance Account has sufficient funds to cover the charges. If we are unable to fulfill any orders, the charges for such orders will be reversed and we reserve the right to cancel such orders. We reserve the right to deny or cancel any order within thirty (30) days of processing such order.